Monday, November 29, 2010

I Did It Again--NaNoWriMo 2010 Winner!

Yes.  I completed over 50,000 words again this year for another novel.  I had done so under another nom de plume last year when I created "Immortal Angel" so this year I worked on "Wanted: One Ghost".  This just goes to show you can have a novel (or at least a good portion of one) written in a month.  It may take me another 50k to finish but I have made the challenge and feel very proud of myself.

Actually I did it with a day to spare. The contest started on November 1 and I finished on November 29--their is still one more day left in the contest.  Check out my cool new widget though -->

I Did It Again--NaNoWriMo 2010 Winner!

Yes.  I completed over 50,000 words again this year for another novel.  I had done so under another nom de plume last year when I created "Immortal Angel" so this year I worked on "Wanted: One Ghost".  This just goes to show you can have a novel (or at least a good portion of one) written in a month.  It may take me another 50k to finish but I have made the challenge and feel very proud of myself.

Actually I did it with a day to spare. The contest started on November 1 and I finished on November 29--their is still one more day left in the contest.  Check out my cool new widget though -->

Friday, October 29, 2010

Book in a Month

Again, I am signed up along with many others in my critique group to help us get our tushies motivated.  November is National Writing Month and is hosting their once a year event to help those who write--help themselves.  I had done it last year as Sarah Leigh Williams for my second novel in the Sacre series "IMMORTAL ANGEL" and was able to pump out most of it then.  I am hoping to do so again this year with my new ms.  "WANTED: ONE GHOST".

Good luck to everyone out there attempting to write 50,000 words in November!

Book in a Month

Again, I am signed up along with many others in my critique group to help us get our tushies motivated.  November is National Writing Month and is hosting their once a year event to help those who write--help themselves.  I had done it last year as Sarah Leigh Williams for my second novel in the Sacre series "IMMORTAL ANGEL" and was able to pump out most of it then.  I am hoping to do so again this year with my new ms.  "WANTED: ONE GHOST".

Good luck to everyone out there attempting to write 50,000 words in November!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Here I Go Again

Okay, I am trying again, pitching a novel I am working on to one of the top editors in romance writing.  This time it is not my Sacre series but my contemporary--FANTASY KNIGHTS.  We shall see.  Not sure but anything is a possibility at this point.

Here I Go Again

Okay, I am trying again, pitching a novel I am working on to one of the top editors in romance writing.  This time it is not my Sacre series but my contemporary--FANTASY KNIGHTS.  We shall see.  Not sure but anything is a possibility at this point.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Maryland Critters

Looking forward to another great afternoon with my critique group.  Having a hard time this week as it is hard to critique writing from people who are really good story tellers.  What do you do when there is not a lot to say other than 'love it' ?

Maryland Critters

Looking forward to another great afternoon with my critique group.  Having a hard time this week as it is hard to critique writing from people who are really good story tellers.  What do you do when there is not a lot to say other than 'love it' ?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Welcome Elle Jasper!!

One of my favorite authors is out with a new look and new series and (now that she can say so--a new name)  :)  .  I am eager for November 2 to arrive so I can head to Barnes and Noble to purchase Elle Jasper's first book AFTERLIGHT in her new series: The Dark Ink Chronicles.  Check Elle out and her book information on her website:

Welcome Elle Jasper!!

One of my favorite authors is out with a new look and new series and (now that she can say so--a new name)  :)  .  I am eager for November 2 to arrive so I can head to Barnes and Noble to purchase Elle Jasper's first book AFTERLIGHT in her new series: The Dark Ink Chronicles.  Check Elle out and her book information on her website:

Monday, August 9, 2010

Fantasy Knights

After time away from my Muse (I think she went on vacation for a while) and staring blankly at words on my computer screen as I was trying to write, I am happy to say my muse is back. Now if I could just have the time for her.

A trip to my favorite coffee house to get out of the craziness that is my life right now helped me to focus on my next endeavor. Fantasy Knights, a story of past love and hopes crushed by a complacent life and filled with 'what if's'.

Fantasy Knights

After time away from my Muse (I think she went on vacation for a while) and staring blankly at words on my computer screen as I was trying to write, I am happy to say my muse is back. Now if I could just have the time for her.

A trip to my favorite coffee house to get out of the craziness that is my life right now helped me to focus on my next endeavor. Fantasy Knights, a story of past love and hopes crushed by a complacent life and filled with 'what if's'.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Got A Bite from a Publisher!

After having entered a pitch contest, I received word from one of the top (if not the top editor) in romance to submit my full manuscript and synopsis for IMMORTAL HEAT, my first paranormal/vampire romance in my Sacre series. I sent it in to her last week and hope I hear something in the near future . . . more to come . . . hopefully.

I Got A Bite from a Publisher!

After having entered a pitch contest, I received word from one of the top (if not the top editor) in romance to submit my full manuscript and synopsis for IMMORTAL HEAT, my first paranormal/vampire romance in my Sacre series. I sent it in to her last week and hope I hear something in the near future . . . more to come . . . hopefully.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Muse Is At It Again!

After taking a few well earned days off (with my daughter's graduation party, family arriving/departing, etc.) I had time to rest my muse . . . but she came back and just in time for a BIAW event with my local RWA chapter.

Began a simple romantic paranormal ghost story this past weekend and already have quite a bit done. It took me awhile to work/re-work first chapter to set the tone of the story (always important). Nothing erotic here just a cute romance of ghostly porportions.

Working title for now is "Wanted: One Ghost"

My Muse Is At It Again!

After taking a few well earned days off (with my daughter's graduation party, family arriving/departing, etc.) I had time to rest my muse . . . but she came back and just in time for a BIAW event with my local RWA chapter.

Began a simple romantic paranormal ghost story this past weekend and already have quite a bit done. It took me awhile to work/re-work first chapter to set the tone of the story (always important). Nothing erotic here just a cute romance of ghostly porportions.

Working title for now is "Wanted: One Ghost"

Her Private Bachelorette Party

Hey, so "Hot Tea Treatment" was a bust (at least my critique partners were honest with me) the middle was great-but the beginning and end sucked. So with only weeks to go I did a complete 'revamp' and went with a new title, new plot . . . new everything, and contemporary too boot! So here is to "Her Private Bachelorette Party".

Finished it up in time for the deadline and hope to hear something back in a couple of weeks. We shall see. Not sure but a possible miracle is due any day. (One can always hope.) Will keep a posting.

Now on to the next . . .

Her Private Bachelorette Party

Hey, so "Hot Tea Treatment" was a bust (at least my critique partners were honest with me) the middle was great-but the beginning and end sucked. So with only weeks to go I did a complete 'revamp' and went with a new title, new plot . . . new everything, and contemporary too boot! So here is to "Her Private Bachelorette Party".

Finished it up in time for the deadline and hope to hear something back in a couple of weeks. We shall see. Not sure but a possible miracle is due any day. (One can always hope.) Will keep a posting.

Now on to the next . . .

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hot Tea Treatment--Steaming!

Whew! Is it a bit warm in here or is it me? Don't ask where this idea came from because I am not certain myself. With various days of frustration (my muse was taking a coffee break) and then Musie would return with some pretty hot ideas. I finished the novellla on Mother's Day so I hope that it is good enough to enter for the Samhain, Red Hot Winter anthology but unsure if it is suitable for my mother to read. We shall see.

Now I just have to figure out a synopsis and a cover letter--hmm. I will have to think about that for a day or two.

Hot Tea Treatment--Steaming!

Whew! Is it a bit warm in here or is it me? Don't ask where this idea came from because I am not certain myself. With various days of frustration (my muse was taking a coffee break) and then Musie would return with some pretty hot ideas. I finished the novellla on Mother's Day so I hope that it is good enough to enter for the Samhain, Red Hot Winter anthology but unsure if it is suitable for my mother to read. We shall see.

Now I just have to figure out a synopsis and a cover letter--hmm. I will have to think about that for a day or two.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Cup of Tea Anyone?--A Romantica Novella in the Making

Yes...okay I am going to try my hand at romantica. I've had this idea for sometime now and decided it might work better as a novella instead of a novel. Samhain is doing an anthology for next winter so I have a deadline to work on for June 1st. I think this might work. Check out the title: "Hot Tea Treatment". Cheeky, don't you think?

A Cup of Tea Anyone?--A Romantica Novella in the Making

Yes...okay I am going to try my hand at romantica. I've had this idea for sometime now and decided it might work better as a novella instead of a novel. Samhain is doing an anthology for next winter so I have a deadline to work on for June 1st. I think this might work. Check out the title: "Hot Tea Treatment". Cheeky, don't you think?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wow! Turn The Page--Author Signing

I went to my first Author Signing at Nora Robert's store "Turn The Page" yesterday. Had a great time with my friend Lisa. We saw our friend Gail Barrett who writes wonderful Harlequin romantic suspense novels and got a chance to talk with her briefly and with other esteemed authors there before they headed out to the WRW retreat. Then we had some time to just be us for a few hours which is always enjoyable--without work, or other obligations. Thinking about just taking some time to work on our joint effort later on in the summer.

Great day over all, even with a thunderstorm that disrupted moments of the night.

Wow! Turn The Page--Author Signing

I went to my first Author Signing at Nora Robert's store "Turn The Page" yesterday. Had a great time with my friend Lisa. We saw our friend Gail Barrett who writes wonderful Harlequin romantic suspense novels and got a chance to talk with her briefly and with other esteemed authors there before they headed out to the WRW retreat. Then we had some time to just be us for a few hours which is always enjoyable--without work, or other obligations. Thinking about just taking some time to work on our joint effort later on in the summer.

Great day over all, even with a thunderstorm that disrupted moments of the night.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bitten Again

Okay, I am officially on my way--two down so far. My NaNoWriMo entry in November "Twice Bitten" has been 're-vamped' from the simple 60,000 words to 91,000 words and sports a new title, "Immortal Angel". I even like the story better. It has a nice intriguing lead into next book in which I am starting to re-work.
"Immortal Silence" which I had slated originally to the fourth book in the "Sacre" series is now the third book since I want to leave the major character for the final book (?).
I had re-worked the first one also, "Vampires Suck" is now "Immortal Heat" with a new beginning--same characters though.
Still agent hunting and hoping for that one day when "my print will come". Until then . . . "miles to go before I sleep . . . and miles to go before I sleep."

Have a great weekend everyone!

Bitten Again

Okay, I am officially on my way--two down so far. My NaNoWriMo entry in November "Twice Bitten" has been 're-vamped' from the simple 60,000 words to 91,000 words and sports a new title, "Immortal Angel". I even like the story better. It has a nice intriguing lead into next book in which I am starting to re-work.
"Immortal Silence" which I had slated originally to the fourth book in the "Sacre" series is now the third book since I want to leave the major character for the final book (?).
I had re-worked the first one also, "Vampires Suck" is now "Immortal Heat" with a new beginning--same characters though.
Still agent hunting and hoping for that one day when "my print will come". Until then . . . "miles to go before I sleep . . . and miles to go before I sleep."

Have a great weekend everyone!